About the doula

Hi! My name is Emily Adams.

I’m ecstatic you felt called to my little corner of the internet.

When I was twenty years old I got pregnant with my first child. Throughout my pregnancy I went with the flow and didn’t take time to intentionally prep for the upcoming birth of my son. Like many women I was fearful of birth. During that time — my views of birth were heavily influenced by my family’s birth stories, as well as the generally negative portrayal of labor in movies and television shows.

After my first birth I felt disconnected from my body and baby. Even though both my son and I were healthy, I felt anxious, inadequate, and defeated entering motherhood.

Eight months later I got pregnant with our second son. Throughout my second pregnancy I went with the flow, like I did with my first. Again, I wished for an unmedicated birth and by the grace of God I was able to achieve it! After my second birth I found myself feeling more empowered and in tune with my body and baby.

Fast forward four years and guess what? I found myself pregnant with my third baby. After journeying through two pregnancies fearfully uniformed I chose to intentionally prep for this pregnancy and birth.

I decided to look into alternative options for prenatal care and become more knowledgeable about various birth locations. Through my research of the midwifery model of care I discovered what a doula was. Instantly I had this flashback to being eight years old, sitting on the couch, watching TLC’s A Baby Story, and being filled with so much interest. I had an ah ha moment. This was my divine calling – to serve fellow women during birth as an emotional supporter, spiritual guide, informational facilitator, and physical comforter.

As I became more knowledgeable about birth I learned about informed decision making and women centered care. During my first and second pregnancies, I didn't know there were alternatives to standard prenatal care practices or that I was the decision maker when it came to my pregnancy and birth choices.

In June of 2019 — with my midwife, husband, and doula by my side I experienced a beautifully blissful (yet primal) birth center birth. My first daughter’s labor fully ignited my passion to step into being a birth doula.  

I believe serving women during birth is intimately woven into my existence – as a woman. Throughout history women in labor were often surrounded by fellow women in their community. If we look back far enough - I’m sure we’d all find at least one midwife or doula in our lineage. 

Reasons to consider adding Emily to your birth team:

- you’re seeking someone who is a mother herself; someone who can relate; someone who has felt the sensations of labor & understands the challenges you may face through her own first-person experience.

- you question the status quo and want to take charge of your choices during pregnancy and birth.

- you desire to invite a fellow woman into your birth space who genuinely trusts birth and believes in your ability to take on any challenges you might face throughout the labor process.

- the comprehensive amount of information, decisions, and planning involved in the birthing process feels overwhelming & you’d like to have a friend and confidant who is well versed in this domain.